Animal Husbandry Contract in Laos

Party A:

(Name, Address, Contact Information)

Party B:

(Name, Address, Contact Information)

Date: (Vientiane Capital, [Insert Date])

I. General Agreement
Both parties have agreed upon the following terms and conditions for the animal husbandry of cattle, as part of the economic development plan for raising animals for commercial purposes, in accordance with Articles 362 and 364 of the Civil Code.

Party B agrees to provide a total of _______ cattle to Party A as capital for livestock rearing. The details of the livestock, including numbers and other specifics, are recorded in the attached document.

Party A agrees to receive and care for the livestock provided by Party B. The responsibilities of Party A include all costs related to the care, feeding, and stabling of the cattle.

The attached documentation serves as evidence of the transfer and receipt of livestock.
II. Support for Raising and Caring for Livestock
Party A is responsible for all costs related to treatment, vaccinations, and general care of the cattle.

Female cows brought to the farm, from the date of agreement, are considered part of Party B’s capital.

Before any large animals are sold, both parties must evaluate and agree on a price. Profits will be shared based on the amount of capital invested and as agreed upon.
III. Distribution of Results
Any offspring born from Party B’s livestock are considered profits. Both parties agree to share profits at a 50-50 rate.

In cases where the profit includes selling offspring or livestock, profits are divided equally based on the agreed percentage.
IV. Profit Sharing Period
The contract will be implemented in installments, renewed every three years from the date of signing. Both parties must agree to renew or cancel the contract at the end of each three-year period.
V. Termination of Rearing
If Party A wishes to terminate the contract early, they must notify Party B at least two months in advance, allowing Party B sufficient time to arrange alternative care for the cattle.

Both parties may mutually agree to terminate or renew the contract at the end of each installment period.
VI. Restrictions and Responsibilities
The livestock provided under this contract cannot be sold, transferred, or moved to a third party without mutual agreement between Party A and Party B.

Party A assumes responsibility for the proper care of the cattle. In cases of negligence or loss due to carelessness, Party A will be held liable for replacing the lost or damaged livestock. However, in cases of theft or looting, both parties will investigate the incident jointly.
VII. Incident and Error Resolution
If livestock dies due to disease, the loss is exempt from replacement.

In cases of theft or loss due to criminal acts, both parties will cooperate to investigate the cause and determine accountability. Party A may be held responsible for replacing the livestock if found negligent.
VIII. Witnesses and Final Agreement
This contract is signed voluntarily by both parties and witnessed by:

Witness 1: (Name, Address, Contact Information)
Witness 2: (Name, Address, Contact Information)
Party A Signature
Party B Signature

Date: ______________________